Our mission is to provide clear, honest, strategic advice to independent filmmakers and to champion their work to the industry.

Glen grew up in London and Austin, TX. He studied acting at the Neighborhood Playhouse in NYC before receiving an English Degree from NYU and a Law Degree from the University of Texas at Austin. With 25 years in the indie film biz, he has produced, executive produced and co-produced 20 films and sold over 500 films. He founded Circus Road in 2006. He is the father of Charlotte and Zoe.

We secure US distribution deals for independent filmmakers.

We advocate indie films directly to film festival programmers.

We negotiate US distribution and international sales agreements.

We guide clients through current projects and towards future work.

We help filmmakers who want to think outside the distribution box.

We provide project analysis from a creative and business perspective.

We have produced and co-produced 20 films to date.